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2025 SLBC National Conference

February 16-18, 2025


Education and Inspiration, Grounded in Strategic Planning

Songleader Boot Camp (SLBC) provides powerful Jewish leadership training for clergy, Jewish educators, religious and day school teachers, family engagement and early childhood specialists, teen leaders, Jewish camping staff, and veteran and new songleaders. Led by nationally renowned Jewish thought leaders, educators, and music artists, SLBC teaches participants specific skills and strategies to inspire transformative change in their Jewish communities. At SLBC, education and inspiration are grounded in strategic planning.

SLBC programs include SLBC national and regional conferences, individual coaching, and leadership training seminars for synagogues, synagogue board of directors, and Jewish conferences.

The SLBC National Conference, held every February, features a wide range of dynamic courses that explore a holistic approach to powerful and effective leadership in the Jewish world. The SLBC National Conference experience is soaked in inspirational Jewish music and communal singing. Participants do not need to sing or play an instrument to fully experience ALL that SLBC has to offer. Music is just one of many vehicles for connection and inspiration that is explored at SLBC conferences.

 SLBC is a national signature initiative of the St. Louis Jewish Community Center.

  • Engage in intensive, super-charged learning with nationally respected Jewish educators, thought-leaders and music artists
  • Become a more effective and engaging presenter and public speaker
  • Create meaningful connections from the bima, in synagogue hallways, at camp, and in all aspects of synagogue life
  • Collaborate with a community of like-minded Jewish professionals
  • Utilize music as a powerful, educational and inspirational vehicle. You don’t need to be a musician!
  • Learn dynamic and relevant ways to reach specific age demographics
  • Acquire new and exciting repertoire

2025 SLBC Conference Educators & Presenters

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Cantor Laurie Akers

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Liessa Demba Alperin

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Rob Aronson

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Shira Berkowitz

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Rabbi Cecelia Beyer

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Rabbi Joe Black

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Rabbi Sharon Brous

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Joe Buchanan

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Matthew Check

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Rabbi Noah Diamondstein

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Hazzan Joanna Dulkin

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Carla Friend

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Rabbi Yosef Goldman

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Hannah Gundersheim

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Rabbi Brad Horwitz

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Rabbi David Ingber

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Billy Jonas

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Shira Kline

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Charlie Kramer

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Jacob Spike Kraus

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Rabbi Sandra Lawson

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Eliana Light

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Rabbi Jackson Mercer

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Rabbi Myra Meskin

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Chava Mirel

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Craig Parks

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Mikey Pauker

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Elisa Heiligman Recht

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Rick Recht

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Rabbi Sammy Rosenbaum

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Rabbi Susan Talve

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Past Presenters
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Zoey Waldman-Schein

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Rabbi Josh Warshawsky

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Cantor Natalie Young

Course Offerings at the SLBC Conference

At the SLBC National Conference, participants have the option to attend workshops associated with one or more SLBC Tracks, including Worship Leader, Jewish Educator, Early Childhood, Songleader, Inclusion, and Meditation & Mindfulness. Tracks are meant to be a helpful guide for participants when weighing the many elective sessions offered at SLBC; participants can attend ANY session regardless of whether they ‘identify’ with a particular track. 

The SLBC Chavurot (Ramah Chavurah, Day School Chavurah, and Staenberg Teen Chavurah) are cohorts that have their own independent team programming during SLBC National Conference in addition to attending many of the elective sessions. Chavurot are selected or apply for these cohorts separately from SLBC general registration. Some Chavurot sessions are open to all SLBC participants. Sessions listed as “Closed” in the schedule are meant exclusively for members of that Chavurah.

Worship Leaders

The Worship Leader Track was created to support the spiritual, educational, and professional goals of worship leaders including rabbis, cantors, Jewish educators, teens, songleaders, and lay leaders.

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Jewish Educators

All SLBC attendees are Jewish educators. Some teach on the bima, at synagogue, in classrooms, at camp, at youth group events, in song, or other areas of Jewish life.

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Jewish songleaders are some of the most powerful educators and leaders in Jewish life. From its inception, SLBC has featured a diverse offering of courses for both new and veteran song leaders.

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Day School Educators

SLBC  shares a variety of courses for geared toward Jewish day school teachers including curricular planning, presentation skills, mindfulness, planning and leading engaging tefilot, utilization of music in the classroom, honoring students with special needs, and more.

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Early Childhood Educators

SLBC offers a variety of courses for individuals who work with young children and their families. Courses in the track focus on leadership skills, strategies, and resources that are particularly unique to this demographic.  read more…

Staenberg Teen Chavurah

With gracious support from the Staenberg Family Foundation, SLBC is excited to continue the Teen Chavurah at SLBC. Led this year by Craig Parks, the goal of the Teen Chavurah program is to build strong, vibrant, future leaders of the Jewish world.

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Ramah Chavurah

For more than a decade, Ramah campers and staff have gathered to be part of the annual SLBC Ramah Chavurah for 3 days of immersive learning, tefilah, strategic road-mapping, songleadership, and spiritual exploration at the SLBC National Conference.

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Staenberg Teen Chavurah

In 2018, SLBC launched the SLBC Middle/Day School Chavurah for students in grades six through eight.

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